Present: Mike Campbell (chair), Eva Kaltenthaler (minutes) Stephen Spooner, Father Kevin, Sian Price, Maria Levesley, Richard Bushell, Deacon Stephen Parker, and Richard McQuinn..
Apologies: Anne Shepherd, Lindsay Reynolds
Opening prayer was said by Father Kevin
Matters Arising
Minutes of the meeting held on 8 Nov 2022 were approved.
Parish Council starting time.
It was agreed to start the meetings at 7.30pm in future.
Church maintenance
David Hughes has replaced all light bulbs with LED bulbs.
Parish Walk
The next Parish walk will be held around Easter time.
A number of Spirituality activities have been planned:
- A Lenten day retreat run by Deacon Stephen Parker will be held on 4 March 2023. This will be on Centering Prayer
- There will be another Parish retreat held in autumn on St Paul. Deacon Stephen Parker will lead this.
- The Big Picture course will be held in the Spring.
- A Taize evening will be held in Lent. The Parish Council thanked the musicians who ran the very welcome Taize event held in Advent. It was suggested that the Taize evenings could be more widely advertised in the future.
Sacramental preparation
We now have a Baptism preparation team to prepare families for baptism.
A note will go into the Franciscan to find out how many people are ready for confirmation. A date for confirmation will be agreed with Bishop Ralph. Stephen Parker and Richard Bushell are leading this and hope to get at least one female volunteer to help. Once it is clear how many people are interested, the course will be designed. Still to be discussed is the level of parental involvement. Depending on numbers, we may join up with St Williams for confirmation.
Pastoral Care and Community
Ann Shepherd attended the Carol Service on 11 December at Tapton Hill Congregational Church.
Justice and Peace
Plans for starting with the CAFOD Live Simply campaign were discussed. The group are meeting with the St Vincent’s group tomorrow. The Justice and Peace Group agreed to keep the Parish Council informed of their progress.
Two CAFOD World gift water supplies will be purchased from the funds raised during the Advent fund raiser. The Panto raised £2400 for CAFOD. The Parish Council thanked all those involved in the panto, which was excellent.
Stephen Spooner announced that he will be resigning as the Parish CAFOD representative after serving in this role for many years. He will put a note in the Franciscan to see if anyone is interested in taking on this role. If no one comes forward, he will inform the Parish Council at the next meeting.
Youth Ministry
The youth group has regular meetings and were involved in the Advent Taize service. They are still planning to hold a Parish evening event in the next couple of months.
Stephen P and Richard will discuss Confirmation. Other Parishes have started Confirmations again. We may have joint Confirmation classes with St Williams.
Other activities
It was agreed that the standard procedure will be for welcomers to leave the door to the church open during Mass. The door to the outside should remained closed, at least during the colder months.
Action: Mike to e-mail Alan to inform the welcomers of this decision.
As the system for opening the screens at the back of the church is quite fragile and not many people seem to be using the Hall during Mass it was agreed that the screens will remain closed after this Sunday.
Action: Mike to put a note in Franciscan about this.
The Nativity children’s service was very well attended this year and very well organised by Nathaniel Dingle. Mike will send a letter of thanks on behalf of the Parish Council.
The Parish website is very out of date. All Parish Council members to look at the webpages to identify what needs changing.
Action: Mike to compile a list of changes needed.
There has been a request for a soup lunch to be held on Ash Wednesday.
Action: Mike to find someone to organise the soup lunch.
Father Kevin read the Closing prayer.
Date of next meeting 14 March 2023 at 7:30pm.