Parish Council Minutes – November 2024

12 November 2024, 7:30pm

Present: Mike Campbell (chair), Eva Kaltenthaler (minutes) Stephen Spooner, Father Kevin, Sian Price, Richard Bushell, Deacon Stephen Parker, Richard McQuinn, David Bellamy.

Apologies: Maria Levesley

The opening prayer was led by Mike.

Matters Arising

The bell ringing five minutes before Mass begins to signal silence seems to be working well. Mike will discuss with the readers whether or not they are happy to announce what Sunday it is before the first reading at the meeting on the 24th.

The person who originally installed the Velux windows will come to sort out them out in December. An appointment has been booked for this.

Liturgy and Spirituality

Geraldine Houlton and Margaret Neal may be interested in helping with this and planning a course for the Parish.

For the Jubilee it was suggested that our main action should be a couple of pilgrimages, probably to be held next summer. One could be to Padley. Sian and Mike will plan this one. The other to the Cathedral. Stephen P will plan this one.

Action: Sian and Mike to plan pilgrimage to Padley for next summer.

Action: Stephen P to plan pilgrimage to the Cathedral for next summer.

Justice and Peace

Sian presented a brief summary of the work being done on LiveSimply. A full report was presented at the AGM. We discussed the charities being supported this year as part of our commitment to living in solidarity with the poor. It was agreed at the AGM that Care in Crosspool would be included as one of the charities for this year. However, going forward, any support for this charity should come directly from parish funds. There also does not appear to have been a collection for Palestinian Christians this year.

Action: David to pay agreed amount to the nine charities for 2024.

Youth Ministry

The youth group continues to meet every month. A first holy communion course will start after Christmas. A call for confirmands will go out around Pentecost and start next September.


The card reader machine is working and we expect to break even with this by Christmas. The stand is broken but David hopes he will be able to fix this. There have been a couple of meetings of the Finance Committee and all accounting systems seem to be in order thanks to help from Liz.

There was some discussion that Leo should be paid for all the painting he has done. Richard M will contact him to ensure he submits an invoice.

Social Events

The panto will be taking place again this year. It is hoped that Maria, Mel and Petra will organise a Celidh for next year.

We still need someone to help organise the children’s nativity service.


Stephen P said that this should be a topic for discussion at parish council meetings from now on. There is guidance for going into people’s houses and this will be shared with Eucharistic ministers.

New Lectionary

All the new Mass books have arrived. David will arrange a meeting of readers to discuss the changes on 24 November at 10am. Mike to put a note in the Franciscan about this and send an e-mail to the readers.

Action: Mike to put a note in Franciscan and David to arrange meeting for readers.

Other Matters

Father Kevin said that we have not had a volunteer to put forward for the Diocesan Pastoral Council. David said he would be happy to put his name forward. Mike to write to the Bishop to ask how the person will be chosen to represent Sheffield

Action: Mike to write to the Bishop.

Some parts of the webpage are out of date. Mike will contact Paul M with some suggested updates.

Action: Mike to send webpage updates to Paul M.

David said the wifi is now working reasonably well throughout the church building.

Father Kevin said the closing prayer.

Date of next meeting 14 January 2025 at 7:30pm.