15 January 2025, 7:30pm
Present: Mike Campbell (chair), Eva Kaltenthaler (minutes), Father Kevin, Sian Price, David Bellamy, Richard McQuinn, Stephen Spooner, Sam Caldwell.
Apologies: Richard Bushell, Maria Levesley, Deacon Stephen Parker.
Mike led the opening prayer.
Matters Arising
Mike has not had a response from the Bishop about the process for choosing who will be on the Diocesan Pastoral Council. He may write again.
All payments have been made to the chosen charities as part of the Parish commitment to their Covenant with the Poor.
Mike has sent webpage updates to Paul Middlemas.
Liturgy and Spirituality
No report was received. Mike will contact Stephen Parker about recruiting new members for this group as well as plans for the Jubilee and any events for Lent or Easter.
Action: Mike to contact Stephen Parker.
LiveSimply Campaign
The monthly topics continue and seem to be going well. Another recycling Sunday will be held on 26 January. There will be a talk from someone from S2 Foodbank after Mass on 16 Feb so we can look at ways we might work together and find out more about their work.
Action: Stephen Spooner to put note in the Franciscan about the S2 Foodbank visit.
Youth Ministry
No report received.
Other Matters
The Bishop has requested that each parish funds a pilgrim to go to Lourdes. The focus should be on someone who would not be able to go otherwise. Mike will put a note in the Franciscan and discuss with Kevin Exell, who has a list of those who receive communion at home.
Action: Mike to put note in Franciscan and contact Kevin E.
The roof tiles have been repaired as well as the chapel skyline. The upper room windows still need finishing. Sam will contact Johnny at the Diocese to get this moving.
Action: Sam to contact Johnny.
Father Kevin needs a new washing machine.
Action: David will sort out getting a new washing machine.
The lines in the car park need to be repainted.
Action: Mike to find out how to go about the repainting.
Action: David to contact the secretary of the football club about financial assistance with this.
Wendy, the organist will be stepping down soon. It was agreed that she should receive a token of appreciation and card of thanks for her support to the parish over many years.
Action: Mike to discuss gift and card with Maria.
Social events were discussed and there was a suggestion of a Ceiledh.
Action: Mike to contact Petra and Mel about holding this on the Saturday after Easter.
Finance Committee
All financial commitments to the Diocese have been paid. As agreed, the Diocese have moved some of our money into investment accounts. The card reader is working well and about £25-30 is added to the offertory each week through the card reader, so costs are being covered.
Father Kevin read the closing prayer.
Date of next meeting 11 March 2025 at 7:30pm.
AGM will be held on 22 April 2025.