Activities within the wider community
St. Wilfrid’s Centre
St Wilfrid’s Centre offers food, clothes, and facilities for showers, friendship, recreation and training to the homeless and disadvantaged in our society. Once each month, St. Francis Parish collects tea, coffee and sugar for delivery to the Centre. A box is available in the Narthex for your donations. If you would like to help out at St. Wilfrid’s Centre, please contact Kevin Bradley.
S2 Food Bank
The S2 Food Bank is a network of church and community groups, working together to provide emergency food parcels to people in the Sheffield 2 area who are in short-term financial crisis. The area covered includes Manor, Norfolk Park, Wybourn, Arbouthorne and Heeley and is one of the most deprived areas in Sheffield.
There is a labelled box in the narthex for any contributions, together with a list of suggested foods.
Vincent’s Charity Shop
Vincent’s shop forms part of the St Vincent de Paul Society and is run by a team of volunteers who sort and sell donated merchandise. The funds raised help towards the running of the SVP Furniture Store and the St. Wilfrid’s Centre. Any clothes or small household items can be donated direct to the shop on Abbeydale Road. Larger items of furniture can be donated to the Furniture Store (see below). For more information, please contact the Shop Manager on 255 2545. New volunteers are always needed.
St. Vincent’s Furniture Store
Operated by the SVP Society, St. Vincent’s Furniture Store collects good quality furniture from willing donors and then supplies these essential items to needy Sheffield families. This service is provided to anyone in need who is formally referred, irrespective of race, gender, age or creed. The store operates two vans, and a full-time coordinator leads a dedicated team of drivers and office staff (the majority of whom are volunteers) supported by a Management Committee. Funding comes from the Vincent’s Charity Shop, Sheffield City Council and in donations from various Trusts. Extra funding is always needed to help with vehicle replacement, and running and maintenance costs and special fund-raising events are arranged from time to time. If you have furniture which you could donate, please contact St. Vincent’s Furniture Store.
The Roundabout Project
Roundabout, which is one of the ‘home’ missions supported by the Parish, provides accommodation for young people who are homeless in Sheffield. They are helped to develop the necessary skills to live independently in their own flats. An activity programme has been developed which caters for individual and educational needs, i.e. applying for jobs, literacy etc. They are grateful to receive clothes and household goods as well as art materials, camping equipment, sports equipment, board games, musical instruments, radios, stereos, videos, tapes, televisions and framed pictures. Your time, skill sharing and donations of money are also welcome. Within the parish, Christmas presents and Easter eggs are collected to send to the young people.