St Francis church

St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church


Sunday Mass is at 11am. Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel is at 10am on weekdays. There is no Mass on Saturdays.

How to find us

Map showing the location of St Francis ChurchAddress: 277 Sandygate Road, Sheffield. S10 5SD

The Church is on Sandygate Road, opposite St Francis Close and next to Hallam Football Ground. There is a small car park at the rear of the building.

First Holy Communion

Parents of children in Y3 or over are invited to enrol their children into this year’s programme. There will be an initial meeting for parents to find out about the programme at 6:30pm on Tuesday 18th March. Children’s lessons will take place from 6:30pm to 7:30pm every Wednesday starting on 19th March. The First Holy Communion celebration will take place on Sunday 22nd June at the Feast of Corpus Christi.  Please return a completed application form to or hand it to Fr Kevin or Debora.

New Parishioners

If you would like to be added to the Parish Register, please complete a registration form and return to Mike Campbell. The register is not online, is password protected and will only be used for Parish business.


The Franciscan is available electronically. It will be emailed to everyone who has an email address on the Parish Register.


St Francis Church is applying for the CAFOD LiveSimply Award.

Our Parish

The Parish of St Francis of Assisi is a lively and active parish, serving the areas of Crosspool, Sandygate, Lodge Moor, Ranmoor, Nether Green and Fulwood.

It is part of Sheffield Deanery in the Diocese of Hallam and is twinned with the Parish of St William of York.

The Parish Priest is Father Kevin Thornton and the Parish Deacon is Stephen Parker. We have an active parish council and the current chair is Mike Campbell.