

If you wish to have your child baptised, please speak to the Parish Priest so that you can get a form. Baptisms are currently taking place in a separate service, conducted by Deacon Stephen Parker.  Please note; there must be a minimum of 6 weeks before the date of Baptism, in order to receive instruction from lay members of the Baptism team.

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

the tabernacleThis course is parish-based and is organised annually. Parents have the chief responsibility and are expected to enrol their children at the appropriate time, by contacting the Parish Priest. Our catechist is Debra Ruvinski. The 2023 programme began on Wednesday 8th March and the First Holy Communion celebration will take place on Sunday 11th June.


Confirmation is celebrated in the parish on a date arranged by the Bishop and the Parish Priest. The next Confirmation preparation programme is planned for 2023. To register your interest, please complete the enrolment form and return it to or give it to Fr Kevin.


wedding ringsMarriages are celebrated following an appropriate course of preparation, usually through the Diocesan Marriage Preparation programme. All arrangements should be discussed initially with the Parish Priest.

Help for Married People

Marriage Care (Hallam)

Marriage Care offers a confidential counselling service and is committed to working with those whose relationships are in difficulty and breaking down. Advice is also available on Natural Family Planning. For appointments, ring 0800 389 3801.

For information on the teaching of Natural Fertility Management, help for infertility, through the Life Fertility Programme, contact Margaret Neale.

World Wide Marriage Encounter

Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a movement within the Catholic Church to give married couples the opportunity to take responsibility for what is happening in their lives. A Marriage Encounter Weekend offers couples the opportunity to grow closer. It helps people to refocus on the values that are really important to them and to live more joyful and purposeful lives. Leaflets are available in the Narthex.

Association of Separated and Divorced Catholics

To contact the Association of Separated and Divorced Catholics, please phone 0208 767 5293.

Sacrament of the sick

See The sick page for more information.

Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious life

Individuals who are interested in vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life should speak with the Parish Priest.

Journey in Faith (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

This is a group of people, Catholic or non-Catholic, who meet as friends to learn more about the Catholic Faith. For non-Catholics, this can lead to reception into the Catholic Church and the celebration of the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil. Contact the Parish Priest for details.