The parish premises are all located in a single complex on Sandygate Road. They comprise the Church of St. Francis, the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, the Assisi Hall, the Upper Room and the Presbytery. There is a car park at the rear of the building.
Apart from the Upper Room, the site is on one level and easily accessible to wheelchair users. There is also a hearing loop.
The Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Visible from the Church, but with its own entrance from the Narthex, this is a place for quiet prayer and reflection and where families with young children are able to participate in Sunday Mass. Most weekday Masses are celebrated in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
Assisi Hall and the Upper Room
These are well-used venues for the many activities which take place during the year and for the social life of the parish. Many external organisations also make bookings and a varied programme of events takes place on a regular basis. Enquiries about booking the Assisi Hall or the Upper Room, either for a parish event or for a private function should be made to Anne-marie Appleton.
The Narthex
The Narthex, at the entrance to the Church building, is the place for people to meet each other before or after services. It is a better place for conversations than the church or chapel. We should be sensitive to visitors or newcomers and remember that the duty of welcoming falls on us all, not just on the official welcomers.
Notice Boards
The Narthex is well equipped with notice boards, organised as follows:
- Notice Board A (the central notice board)
Details of current or up and coming events. - Notice Board B (between the main entrance and the Chapel)
More permanent notices and information. - Notice Board C (between the entrance into the Church and the Assisi Hall)
Lists and rotas.
Catholic Literature
Copies of The Universe, The Catholic Herald, Catholic Companion and The Tablet are on sale in the Narthex. The diocesan newspaper, Hallam News is a free publication available on the last Sunday of each month.
CTS booklets are for sale in the Narthex with the prices marked. These are a good source of current teaching and information. Payment for publications should be placed in the ‘Publications’ box on the wall in the Narthex, beneath Notice Board B.
Our parish weekly bulletin, The Franciscan, is free.
There are also LOOK sheets for young children each week, which are available from the welcomers at each Mass.
The Library and Children’s Library
Spiritual reading is a recognized way of increasing knowledge and devotion. Books, videos and audiotapes of a spiritual nature are kept in the Narthex, in an open bookcase. The bookcase offers a selection of the books available and the selection will be updated regularly. You are welcome to borrow, read/listen to and return them. All these items have been donated and further donations are welcome. These can be given to the Parish Priest.
The Garden
Gardeners visit twice a month to maintain the Church gardens. If any parishioners wish to donate plants for the garden, please bring them just before the first Monday of the month. The gardeners can then plant them. If you would like to adopt a section of the garden, please contact a member of the Parish Council.
Church Cleaning Volunteers
A loyal group of parishioners meets on Saturday morning for about one hour with individuals involved every five or six weeks. New volunteers are always welcome. For details, see the rota on the notice board or contact Penny Watt.
Church Flowers
If you would like to help with the church flower arrangements, please contact Paula Coates.