Support of the Foreign Missions


Cafod logo CAFOD (The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. It is a significant means within the parish of providing material help to the mission of the Church and other deserving causes in foreign countries. Projects and fund-raising events are organised regularly by our parish CAFOD Group. The parish CAFOD representative is Stephen Spooner.

The parish puts on an annual pantomime, the profits of which are donated to CAFOD. Contacts for the pantomime are Tammy Hervey and Phil Rostant.

Justice and Peace

The Justice and Peace Commission of the Diocese of Hallam aims to raise awareness of Justice and Peace issues in a practical way, through a contact in each parish. A quarterly newsletter is published and displayed in the Narthex. Contact the Parish Councillors who lead on Justice and Peace for more information.

Goodwill Children’s Homes – South India

Goodwill cares for 800 children in seven homes throughout the states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. The children are from very poor families who may be in bonded labour, relying on casual labour, working on the coffee plantations, or be tribal families who are so poor that they do not even appear on the Indian Government census. During the holidays, many of the children return to their villages so that family and community links are maintained. In due course, some of the Goodwill children will become leaders in their own communities, passing on to others what they have learned.

Additional information is placed on the Notice Board and in the Franciscan. Further details can be obtained from Julie Hull.

MMM – In Kirambi, Rwanda

Sr. Helen is a Medical Missionary of Mary whose family lives in St. Francis Parish. She made her final profession on 9th August 1997 here in St. Francis Church. Sr. Helen is currently in Ireland but recently spent several years working in the Order’s Mission in Kirambi, Rwanda. Fundraising events to support the work in Rwanda are arranged on an occasional basis. Sr. Helen’s mother, Mrs. Mary Spragg, is happy to give current information on Sister Helen’s work.