Parish Directory

This directory lists the activities taking place within the Parish, together with the names of those involved in organising them. (Contact details will not be placed here, but a paper copy of this information is available on request from members of the Parish Council).

Parish Council
Chair (Mike Campbell)
Spirituality & Faith Formation (Stephen Parker, Lindsay Reynolds & Richard Quinn)
Youth Ministry (Richard Bushell)
Justice and Peace (Stephen Spooner)
Pastoral Care & Community (Anne Shepherd)
Communications ( )
Secretary to Parish Council (Eva Kaltenthaler)
Parish Priest Fr Kevin Thornton

Liturgy and Prayer and Spirituality
Franciscan (Newsletter) (Jayne Middlemas)
Music and Singing (Steve Davies)
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion (Kevin Exell)
Children’s Liturgy (Clare Byrne)
Altar Servers (Jonathan Yewdell)
Welcomers and Readers (rotas) (Alan Wenham)
Inspire Prayer Group (Jacinta Campbell)
First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation (Debora Ruvinski, Antonia Ypsilanti & Rose Krzyz)
Confirmation (Richard Bushell)
Natural family planning (Margaret Neale) Fertility Care Centres Great Britain
Marriage Care
Hospital Chaplaincy Provision (Parish Priest & Stephen Parker) – see website for contact phone numbers

Church Cleaning Volunteers (Penny Watt)
Church Flowers (Paula Coates)
Assisi Hall and Upper Room Administrator (Anne Marie Appleton)
Caretaker (Jayne Sandham)
General Upkeep, Health & Safety (David Hughes)

Justice and Peace
St Vincent De Paul Society Shop (255 2545) and Furniture Store (270 3990)
St Wilfrid’s Centre
Roundabout (Local youth housing charity)
Cafod (Stephen Spooner)
S2 Food Bank (Justice and Peace Group)

Pastoral care and Community
Dance Club (Grazyna Swales)
Tea Group (Anne Marie Appleton)
Ecumenical Church Groups (Anne Shepherd)
Tea and Coffee volunteers (Alan Wenham)
Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults (Bob Levesley)
Lifts to Mass (Clare Morgan)
Webmaster (Alan Wenham & Paul Middlemas)

200 Club (Kevin Exell)
Gift Aid (Edmund King)
Finance Committee (Derek Hemmingfield)