10 September 2024, 7:30pm
Present: Mike Campbell (chair), Eva Kaltenthaler (minutes), Father Kevin, Sian Price, David Bellamy, Stephen Spooner, Richard Bushell, Edmund King.
Apologies: Lindsay Reynolds, Maria Levesley, Deacon Stephen Parker, Richard McQuinn, Sam Caldwell.
Mike led the group in a 2 minute silent meditation.
Matters Arising
Lindsay would like to resign from the Parish Council due to her other commitments. The Parish Council thanked Lindsay for all her hard work and support over the past years. Mike will put a note in the Franciscan for new Parish Council members
Action: Mike to put a note in the Franciscan about new members.
St John’s Ambulance. Mike has found someone who will do a 1½ hour session for us on resuscitation. Mike will ask this person for a few options for dates and then do a doodle poll with Parish Council to find the best date. The session will be offered to the whole Parish.
Silence before Mass. It was suggested that a bell could be rung 5 minutes before Mass starts so that the congregation knows it is time for silence.
Action: Mike to discuss bell ringing with Jonathan.
It was determined that about 150 Mass books will be ordered.
Card Reader
David went through information on card readers (4 firms) and suggested that DONA would be a good option for us. Costs are expected to be £495 for hardware, £80 for the stand, £480 for a digital collection plate, £15/monthly fee and 1.69% interest per transaction. The card reader is able to do gift aid. It was decided that we will start with one card reader and reassess after 3 months.
Liturgy and Spirituality
The year of the Jubilee is next year (2025). Father Kevin said that everyone in the diocese will receive a Pilgrim Passport at the end of September. Stephen Parker is making plans for preparation for the Jubilee and will discuss these at the next meeting. Fr Kevin also suggested we revert to the pre COVID practice of the altar servers receiving Communion at the step of the sanctuary with everyone else.
LiveSimply Campaign
Progress on the campaign was discussed. This included:
Monthly topics to provide information and ask people to make pledges. August’s topic was Nature and September’s is recycling.
The wildlife garden is doing well.
The purchasing policy is operational. Fairtrade tea and coffee is being purchased from the Good Taste Fairtrade Shop. David asked who is responsible for purchasing cleaning products and toilet rolls and asked how they would like to be reimbursed.
Action: Eva to discuss with Susanne the purchasing of cleaning products and toilet roll and ask her to liaise directly with David for reimbursement.
The Covenant with the Poor will be discussed at the AGM.
Our first Recycling Sunday will be held on 22 September.
Plans for twinning with another Parish are underway but there hasn’t been too much progress over the summer on this. It is ongoing.
The Toilet Twinning project will probably start during Lent.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Group will start up again soon. Some youths from our Parish are engaged with Diocesan youth events. Richard is discussing with the Diocesan Youth Lead, Sue MacDonald as to how they can best work together.
Finance Committee
Sam, David and Father Kevin are due to meet to discuss finances. They will set out a budget as requested by the Diocese. Edmund will join them due to his involvement with Gift Aid.
Other Matters
All downstairs windows have been painted and the Lychgate Velux windows are working. The two windows in the upper room are not yet connected. It was not clear what is happening with this.
Action: Mike to contact Ed to chase this with the Diocese.
The Parish Day will be held on 6 October 2024 with a shared lunch and CAFOD talk by Thom Flynn.
The AGM will be held on 22 October 2024. Reports will be needed from the groups and cheese and wine will be served. The finance report has already been prepared.
Action: Mike to put a note in the Franciscan about the Parish Day and the AGM.
Social Events
A Ceilidh was proposed and it was thought that this could be held in November.
Action: Mike to contact Mel about the Ceilidh.
Mike and Sian are organising a Parish Walk. They will advertise this in the Franciscan.
Mike will ask Mel about preparations for the creche area.
Father Kevin read the closing prayer.
Date of next meeting 12 November 2024 at 7:30pm.