22 May 2024, 7:30pm
Present: Mike Campbell (Chair), Father Kevin, Deacon Stephen Parker, Richard Bushell, Maria Levesley, David Bellamy, Stephen Spooner, Eva Kaltenthaler, Lindsay Reynolds, Sian Price and Richard McQuinn (minutes).
Apologies: Mel de Maio (who had offered to come to discuss social events but had given her apologies due to illness). The Council noted Sam Coldwell may also have intended to join the meeting, but this was not certain.
The meeting opened with a short period of contemplation.
1. Matters Arising
- CAFOD Visit: Angela Powell still wanted to visit Saint Francis to thank parishioners for the financial support CAFOD had received in recent years. This was now more likely to be in October, at the Parish Day when she may be accompanied by a colleague from London. Action: MC to confirm if the above would be proceeding.
- Social Committee: Social Events: The advert had been placed in the bulletin and had so far received a single response from Mel de Maio. Action: MC to confirm Mel’s availability for the next PPC meeting.
2. Ongoing Synod Process and Diocesan Consultation on Parishes
A sub committee of David Bellamy, Richard Bushell and Sam Coldwell had prepared for a Parish Meeting on the above matters on 16th May.
David Bellamy reported on the format of the meeting which had been to follow the synodal process and also have a Lectio Divinaaspect by concentrating on the gospel reading about the Road to Emmaus, also reporting back on the diocesan Synod meeting held in January and articles that had appeared subsequently in the Hallam Bridge.
There were 3 facilitators, Fr Kevin and 8 attendees. Unfortunately, the meeting had been called at short notice due to a diocesan reporting deadline and fallen close to the Easter period. At the meeting there was also some disappointment expressed that there was insufficient profile given at a diocesan level to the future role of lay ministries and the ministry of women, given the continuing shortage of vocations.
David went on to say that the meeting had clearly recognised the above should not detract from the fact that St Francis Parish had a good cohort of volunteers and there was considerable joy within the parish. It was believed some areas could be improved such as the recognition of individual spiritual inventories/skills and how they could be better used within the parish.
The Council noted that the meeting had been called a time when the parish had also been asked to respond to the “4 Questions” posed by the Council of Priests on the future of parishes and been presented by the diocese with some statistical analysis from the 2022 period on mass attendance, baptisms and income/expenditure ratios, priests age etc .
Stephen Parker commented that he was aware that the publication of those statistics had been a great shock to many parishes, who saw their low attendance and poor finances as an existential threat. He added this was a very complex area that would require skilful leadership to navigate the issues presented. As concluded in the last meeting, Saint Francis should not be considered as an outlier against trends being seen across the diocese.
Sam Coldwell was preparing 2 notes to input to Bishop Ralph on what had been expressed at the parish meeting. It was recognised the Council should take very opportunity to communicate its concerns to the Diocese and this was such an opportunity. As such Sam’s report should be considered by the Council to ensure those matters raised by parishioners were given sufficient profile by the 5th June deadline.
Action: PC to receive and comments on drafts asap
3. Justice and Peace
- Live Simply Launch Event: Marie Levesley reported the event had been well attended by a high number of parishioners who had visited and enjoyed the three stalls, watched a short video presentation and signed up for various participating roles and taking matters forward. Various work streams were now underway to introduce new initiatives or promote those that were already in place.
- Purchasing Policy: Maria said that as part of the above launch event draft Purchasing Policy had been prepared. It was recognised that the implementation of this was very much a “work in progress” and would involve some additional marginal cost in certain areas and required further work on transitioning from existing systems to sourcing supplies to the new ethical policy. Following discussion, the Council agreed the policy should be adopted, however, particular care would be needed to ensure this did not make things more difficult for the church cleaner, those undertaking administration and other tasks such as providing tea and coffee etc, from interfering with their ability to continue the same.
Action: Maria to liaise with church cleaner.
4. Liturgy and Spitituality
- Baptism & Confirmations: Stephen Parker reported that 5 baptisms had been scheduled for the coming months, 2 being of school aged children. Additionally, Jack Evans had indicated he wanted to be received into the church, probably at Easter 2025. He was aware a number of other Catholics attended church services and as such would extend an invitation to the same. A “Journey in Faith” program would be required and it was possible some of St Williams program could be followed in the Autumn.
- New Lectionary: Stephen Spooner reported a new set of lectionaries were required for the first week of Advent 2004. These cost upwards of £300 each giving a total cost of approximately £1,500. Following discussion, the Council decided these items were required and would have to be purchased. It was hoped the 200 Club or perhaps a social event could support their purchase, but it was not known how much funds the 200 Club had following their purchase of the parish defibrillator. In due course, a decision would have to be taken about the weekly Mass Books; that would also be a considerable expense if 3 sets of 100 books had to be acquired.
5. Youth Ministry
- Financial Support: Richard Bushell reported that no individual had yet expressed an interest in going on the diocesan Lourdes pilgrimage or attending the World Youth Day.
- Study Bibles: Richard said was thinking about proposing that a number of study bibles be purchased for use by the youth group or otherwise, but he had not reached any firm conclusion yet.
- Altar Servers: Richard said he had also bought a box of Celebration chocolates to present to the altar servers on Pentecost, in thanks and recognition for their dedication and hard work at church services.
The PPC thanked Richard for acknowledging the altar servers.
6. Maintenance
Mike Campbell and Father Kevin reported that:
- Church Windows and Roof Leak: The roof repair had been undertaken recently. The weather had been dry since that time, but it was noted heavy rain was expected in the next couple of days which would no doubt test the repair. The replacement windows had been delivered but were not correct, so replacements were due any day and it was hoped they could be quickly installed once weather permitted.
- Ground Floor Windows: Leo Whittaker had agreed to stain the downstairs window frames for payment. Once that was complete some attention could be given to upper window frames that may require professional attention as it would involve work at height and so would require ladders or scaffold and insurance. There was some discussion as to whether the Parish should employ a part-time administrator to relieve Fr Kevin of having to manage the maintenance work.
- New Defibrillator (Zoll AED3): This had been purchased and installed together with a new first aid kit. David Bellamy confirmed he was testing the defib on a weekly basis using the Wi-Fi that he had extended to the kitchen area. The Wi-Fi could also be used to support a card reader for cash donations as used at other parishes. Action: DB said he would explore with the St John’s Ambulance whether they could undertake first aid training and if so at what cost.
- Lychgate: It was agreed St Wilfrid’s should be approached to see if they could carry out some minor work to the Lychgate. Action: MC to contact St Wifrids’s.
7. Parish Administration
- Computers: David Bellamy reported John Green had now handed the parish laptop and computer to him and he was busy familiarising himself with the various files. He had acquired a new laptop and put some of the files on it. The old laptop would be repurposed. The Parish office computer was somewhat aged and may last another year before requiring replacement. Derek Hemmingfield had also indicated he wished to stop preparing the parish accounts after many years. David said he was happy to take over that role.
- Inventory: David also proposed that an inventory of parish assets be prepared and would use the software Snip IT to help with the same. He and Johnathan Yewdall would undertake this as time permitted.
The PPC thanked David for undertaking this new role.
8. Any other Business
- John and Anne Green’s Farewell: A small farewell drinks reception was to be held on 26 May for John and Anne to thank them for their active participation in many areas of parish life over a long period as they are shortly due to relocate to the Bristol area. It was agreed some wine would be purchased for the occasion and Mike would present a card.
Father Kevin read a short closing prayer.
Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 9/07/2024 at 7:30pm.