12 September 2023, 7:30pm
Present: Mike Campbell (chair), Eva Kaltenthaler (minutes) Stephen Spooner, Father Kevin, Richard Bushell, Lindsay Reynolds, Maria Levesley, Sian Price, David Bellamy
Apologies: Deacon Stephen Parker, Richard McQuinn,
The meeting opened with two minutes of contemplative silence.
Matters Arising
The minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2023 were approved with the following comments:
- The new notice board is now up. Thanks to Jenny King for organising this.
- An agreement has been made with Arborist Care to deal with the trees adjoining 100 Dransfield Rd . The cost of taking down the trees will come to less than £1,000.
- First issue of the Chronicle has been published and has been well received. There is a lot of content for the Chronicle which will be published bi-monthly.
- Maria will look into the feasibility of cleaning the Hall chairs and report back.
- Cycle rack can be funded by the 200 club. There will be place for 6 bikes. David Bellamy has looked at possible options for about £300. The cycle rack will be ordered and David Huges approached about getting it fitted.
A report on the Big Picture has been published in the Chronicle and the feedback comments will be synthesised and shared. The group is looking at next steps regarding future courses/events.
Justice and Peace
The group gave an update on the CAFOD Live Simply campaign. The action plan is being developed and will include actions around the three categories:
- Live Simply
- Live Sustainably
- Live in Solidarity with the poor
An update will be presented at the next Parish Council meeting. The aim is to launch the campaign during Advent.
Youth Ministry
Confirmation preparation will start this week. Seven people have come forward for confirmation. This will be a 8-10 week programme. A date for confirmation has yet to be set.
The youth group will start again soon and has about 6 members.
Other activities
Alan and Clare Wenham would like to hold a used book sale with proceeds to go to CAFOD. This will run between mid November and mid December. This was agreed.
A Parish walk will be held on 24 September at 2pm starting in Rivelin Valley. Mike Campbell is organising this.
There was some discussion on how we can welcome new parishioners to the Parish as well as ensure we have their details for the Parish register. It was agreed that cards will be available with the hymnals to be distributed by the Welcomers to new parishioners. Mike Campbell will produce the cards.
The Parish Day will be held on 1 October. Mike will put a note in the Franciscan about this. Parishioners will be encouraged to bring cake and a donation for the Foodbank.
Father Kevin has received an e-mail from someone visiting the church saying that pushing a wheelchair from the car park was very difficult. There was discussion about how to make access to the church easier for wheelchair users. A range of options were discussed.
Father Kevin read the Closing prayer. Date of next meeting Tuesday 14th November 2023 at 7:30pm.