- Siân (Chair)
- Eva
- Steve
- Suzanna
- Margaret
- Sarah L
- Sarah B
Previous minutes
These were approved, subject to two small amendments which will be done via Sarah.
Minutes arising
Regarding the taxi drivers’ event with the food bank in the summer, Sarah will ask for feedback at a network meeting she is attending shortly. Everyone agreed the previous year’s had been very much appreciated.
Food bank collections were generous in the run up to Christmas, focused on the items requested and of good quality. Overall donations are holding up, with it normally being worth a trip every week rather than holding it over to following week.
Church Action on Poverty held their pilgrimage which seemed to go well. Sarah feels most of the information now goes out through Facebook and Twitter which only reaches a certain section of those who support CAP. There is a homelessness service at St Marie’s 4pm on Sunday 26th February. Sarah B will ensure it goes in the newsletter.
The potential sci-fi night remains dormant for now due to other commitments.
Regarding a potential Muslim speaker, Sian will speak again to Stephen about this.
Speaker from City of Sanctuary: this was lined up for St Francis’ Day but that didn’t work out. Sarah mentioned the gentleman who had offered to come and speak is a member of the Diocescan Justice and Peace Commission. It was suggested we could do it in Lent and follow it with a bread and soup lunch to raise money. Options might be 12 or 19 March or 2 April. Sarah L will ask Fr Kevin if any of those aren’t suitable and will also make enquiries of Rodrigo and try to get answers if at all possible by the time Evan attends the Parish Council on 17 February.
Eva mentioned a collection was done previously for items going out to refugees in Greece. Fr Shaun was there from Sacred Heart but it was largely a Muslim group sorting the donations. Eva thought it would be good to get involved as a parish if something like that happened again so she has made contact with Fr Shaun and has passed on her details.
Stephen suggested something similar could be done about refugees during Lent, using that as a theme for Lent. Stephen felt Joanna would be happy to help with that. It could just be one display rather than it changing during Lent. That could include Suzanne’s handout. Stephen will be responsible for the board. Suzanne’s handout it was suggested could be given out at the beginning of Lent to start people thinking in anticipation of the meeting – 5 March is the first Sunday in Lent. As Susanne isn’t here, Margaret took the handouts.
The Year of Mercy noticeboard got positive feedback, a good team effort. Sarah B suggested changing the wording of the notice in the newsletter each week.
Suzanne mentioned that Susanne S is fundraising for Fr Francis’ lunch project but has quite a way to go to meet the target, having raised about £500 towards £1800. The Dance Club may be interested in assisting with this and it might be worth us suggesting that, in addition to the usual focus on CAFOD. Other alternatives to suggest might be ASSIST and the Bethlehem Fund. Sian will feed back to Grazyna about this.
Pantomime raised £1800 for CAFOD, a good sum. £500 of that came from the whisky raffle. All being well, the panto will happen again, the last weekend before Advent.
Greg, chair of Parish Council, asked Eva if she could contact the diocescan group to make sure she knew what the diocescan activities as no one from the parish tends to go, possibly through a lack of advance warning. Eva has had her name added to the email list and will make sure the J & P group know of events and also that they go in the bulletin.
Eva is going to report back to the Parish Council next week about our plans so far for the year.
A cake sale might be a good idea for later in the year. Various destinations for money raised were suggested including the Furniture Store and Mary’s Meals/Fr Francis’ lunch project. That could be early in the summer, but we would want to avoid clashing with the book sale. Eva will check dates with Alan & Clare who it is believed may now be organising that.
Stephen also mentioned in December he will be talking to the Ascent Group about Ethiopia. He felt they would then be interested in a particular school he and a friend visited in Addis catering for the most destitute children.
It was felt it would be a good idea for the minutes to go on the website. Sarah L will check with Jayne that it’s okay to do this.
Date of next meeting: Monday 24 April at 8pm
[Eva will ensure a reminder goes in the newsletter in advance to encourage new members, mentioning that minutes will be made available on the website]