Justice and Peace Minutes – Minutes of meeting 03.07.2019

Present Sian (chair), Eva, Stephen, Tim, Susanne. Sarah B (minutes)

Apologies Sarah L, Margaret

Matters arising from previous minutes

Very positive feedback about the Lenten reflections – although some would appreciate a larger and more distinct font.

May Day Trek – poorly attended by the parish.

S2 Food Bank – we have received a certificate of thanks for our contributions.

Diocesan Environmental Policy

Unfortunately this was received by us at rather short notice. It seems unclear whether the policy will remain in this rather confused format, or will be edited before being launched. What form will the launch take? There were some comments on the scope of the policy –Individual comments to be sent to Eva a.s.a.p.

Creation Service

It was agreed that this would be a service (as opposed to a Mass) – at 7.30 on Friday 18th October. The format will be readings, prayers and music (suggestions from the Cafod booklet), to last about 30 minutes and to be followed by cake etc, coffee/tea. On each table there will be a copy of the Quiz and “10  practical things to do to make a change”. To help estimate numbers for catering purposes, tickets will be sold at £2.00 – proceeds to fund a ?bird box/bee hotel or similar in church garden. People will also be asked to sign a petition to the Prime Minister.

Eva will liaise with Richard re the involvement of the music and the youth groups  – and find a date in August for a meeting with him, others interested and any of J&P group who can attend- principally to structure the service, plus other arrangements.

Eva will also circulate to us likely overseas cake recipes to practice.

Stephen will liaise with Fr Kevin;  will add information to the newsletter e.g.tickets, cake, nearer the time.

Susanne and Stephen will produce the “10 things to do”.

Susanne will produce the tickets.

Tim will edit down the Quiz.

Sarah will contact Anne Shepherd re advertising the event to the Hallam council of Churches, and will gather signatures for the Cafod petition.

Meeting to finalise arrangements – Wednesday 16th October.


Panto Tim has offered to help with the script.