Justice and Peace Minutes – Minutes of meeting 05.09.2018


  • Siân (Chair)
  • Eva
  • Stephen
  • Susanne
  • Tim
  • Sarah L
  • Sarah B
  • Margaret

Previous minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Matters arising

  • Food bank – Sarah B mentioned Church Action on Poverty are doing a pilgrimage on 20th October which will be visiting the S2 foodbank so she will be advertising that. Regarding the introduction of Universal Credit, Sarah B will be going on a course on this as a result of being an advice volunteer. There is a widespread concern in the wider group of foodbanks about the increased demand expected as a result of universal credit, for some people due to a reduction in income, for others the date on which they will be paid, and the problems of applying including that you have to apply online and have an email address.
  • CAFOD – Family Fast Day is October 5th, posters will be put up and Stephen/Eva will speak at the masses the previous Sunday if Fr Kevin is okay with that. There does not seem to be any particular focus for fundraising at the moment so we could probably just choose an item for which we want to fundraise over Advent. It was felt having a target of £500 might be a good idea, with a thermometer to show progress on fundraising. Children’s Liturgy could be encouraged to be involved, Clare Byrne is running it so Stephen and Eva will speak to her. Stephen will see what the options are for £500 and email round for views.
    Adults could be asked to pay more for their stickers, maybe £1 and 20p respectively. Eva will get arrange for something to be put in the bulletin. Volunteers will be needed to help, both at the 9am and 11am masses, and we can organise that by email.
  • Panto – this is happening and is usually on the last weekend before Advent. There has been a planning meeting recently but no one had heard feedback
    from that; it was felt Liz Dingle would probably be the person to ask. It was suggested we should find out if we could support it in any way – selling tickets,
    baking, helping with teas and coffees, etc.
  • Uganda – thanks were given to Susanne for the amount raised for the toolkits, etc.



Date of next meeting

Wednesday 9 January 2019.