Justice and Peace Minutes – Minutes of meeting 01.05.2019

Attendees: Sarah B, Susanne, Stephen, Sian (chair), Tim, Eva (minutes)

Apologies: Sarah L

The S2 foodbank has a Facebook page where the most needed items are posted, although this is not always up to date. Sarah B agreed to inform the parish when there were specific requests for items.  There is an ongoing need for direct debits and standing orders. Sarah B will ask the foodbank fi there is a need to increase these and if so put a note in the bulletin about this.


The current CAFOD campaign is “Our Common Home”. Some events to support this campaign have been advertised in the bulletin. We discussed the possibility of having a Creation celebration later in the year. This would possibly be on 11 October (Friday) and include a Mass or service, a shared meal and a quiz about climate change.

Several actions were associated with this:

  1. Stephen to contact Father Kevin to discuss the date and option of Mass or service
  2. Eva to research food recipes for shared meal to reflect cuisines of countries particularly effected by climate change such as Bangladesh.
  3. Eva to check CAFOD website for resources such as video to show on the evening, the quiz and climate dice game.
  4. Sian to contact musicians once date agreed to have music at the Mass/service.
  5. A note will be put in the bulletin to encourage other parishioners to be involved in preparations.


The Lenten reflections distributed each week at Mass appear to be well received. Eva agreed to ask for feedback at the Parish AGM next week.


Tim reported that Assist has a range of support for destitute asylum seekers and had their own night shelter.

May Day Trek

Parishioners will be taking part in this year’s May Day Trek. This has been advertised in the bulletin.

Future plans
Possible activities for next year include:

  • Presenting a film about refugees in Sheffield (Moving to Mars)
  • Having a Dream auction, possibly supporting a charity other than CAFOD, for example the Foodbank.

Date of next meeting

3 July 2019, 8pm, St Francis Presbytery. It was agreed to put a note in the bulletin about this and mention that there will be discussions of climate change related activities to encourage new members.