Justice and Peace Minutes – Minutes of meeting 05.05.2021 by Zoom

Present: Sian (chair), Eva, Stephen, Tim, Susanne, Sarah B (minutes)

Apologies: Sarah L

CAFOD (achieved)

Two parishioners completed the Walk for Water

World gifts appeal raised £4126 (includes gift aid) – will provide 7 mobile clinics and 9 sets of PPE.

Bidding prayers at Vurch

CAFOD (plans for future)

  1. Petition to PM about Climate Change conference in Glasgow – this is an online petition which parishioners can be encouraged to sign. Stephen to put in Franciscan.
  • CAFOD has 3 urgent appeals – for India, Yemen and Tigray. It was felt these were all crucial but that the parish had already responded very generously to the Lent appeals, so in this instance it would be best to draw attention to all three through the Cafod website and suggest parishioners consider which if any they want to support. Stephen to put links in Franciscan and Vurch emails and to give an explanation at Vurch.

S2 food bank

This food bank  is reasonably well provided for at the moment, with appeals for specific items being put on their Facebook page. To consider re-instating the collection box when the church re-opens.

Refugee family

This is under the aegis of the S.W. Sheffield community sponsorship, well supported by the Bishop and the rest of the diocese. 26 parishioners (4 from St Francis) and led by Eva will have a first meeting on 8/5 to discuss submitting an application to the Home Office.

Lenten reflections were well received as always.

Date of next meeting

25th August.  8.00 pm