Justice and Peace Minutes – Minutes of meeting 11.11.2020 by Zoom

Attendees: Sian (chair), Stephen, Susanne, Tim, Sarah B, Eva (minutes)

Apologies: Margaret, Sarah L

Talent Evening

A Parish Talent Evening will take place on 28 November at 7pm via zoom to raise funds for CAFOD. Information about the evening is already in the Franciscan and mentioned at Vurch each week. Acts for the Talent Evening are being sought and a JustGiving page has been set up. Parishioners will be encouraged to donate even if they are unable to attend the event and after the event, throughout December. The Franciscan will be updated to reflect this (Tim).

CAFOD World Gifts

It was felt that as we are currently unable to attend Mass and have any sort of display with stickers that we cannot work towards raising money for a Parish gift at the moment. The group felt that this could be focus early in the New Year when we will hopefully be back at Mass. There would be a display that would be coloured in each week (Stephen) to reflect the money raised in the past week. The updated image could be posted on Vurch each week. Parishioners could contribute through a JustGiving page a through a donation basket in the Narthex.

Parishioners are also able to buy CAFOD world gifts directly from the CAFOD website and a notice will be added to the Franciscan about this (Eva) as well as plans for a Parish gift in the New Year.

S2 Food Bank We discussed ways to support the Food Bank for Christmas. It was suggested that a supplement could be added to the Franciscan with information on how to donate money to the Food Bank as well as details of the Reverse Advent Calendar. Food donations will need to be taken directly to the Food Bank as no collections are currently permitted in church. Eva will send the supplement for inclusion in the Franciscan, including contact details and delivery dates

Bidding Prayers during Advent

The group felt it was important to have some justice and peace bidding prayers during Advent. Stephen will check the CAFOD website for prayers and other members of the group will send prayers to him (All). The suggested prayers will be sent to the four people leading Vurch during Advent for inclusion in the service (Stephen).

Next meeting

The next meeting will be held on 13 January 2021, Wednesday at 8pm via zoom.