Justice & Peace Meeting – Minutes 05.10.2022

Attendees: Sian (chair), Tim, Eva (minutes), Maria, Lindsay, Stephen

Apologies: Sarah L

Environmental initiatives

Maria spoke about two campaigns that we could take part in as a parish to look at ways to care for the environment. The aim would be to work towards an award for one of these as we improve.

CAFOD Live Simply (https://cafod.org.uk/Campaign/LiveSimply-award)

Pledges for actions are undertaken in three main categories:

1. living simply

2. living sustainably

3. living in solidarity with people who are poor.

Eco Church ( https://ecochurch.arocha.org.uk/)

This initiative involves work in five main areas:

  • Worship and teaching
  • Management of church buildings
  • Management of church land
  • Community and global engagement
  • Lifestyle

Both would involve quite a bit of work. It was decided that we would look more closely at the Eco Church initiative as 1) we have already done quite a lot of Live Simply work and 2) the Eco church initiative appears to be much more comprehensive.


Maria to speak to her Eco church contact and arrange for her to come talk to the Parish about this so we can see what is involved.

Eva to talk to Columba to see what work St Vincent’s is doing on this.

S2 Foodbank

This appears to be working well. Food donations are increasing. The rota of drivers is working well. The group thought the notes in the bulletin about what is need were very helpful and should continue. The appeal for donations linked with the Parish Day was very successful and resulted in a shopping trolley full of food. Thanks to Mike C and the Parish Council for organising this.

Cost of Living Fund

A document had been circulated to the group by Sarah B about how churches can help with the cost of living crisis. The South Yorkshire Community Foundation (SYCF) has set up a cost of living fund. It was agreed that we would put a note in the bulletin a bulletin about this so that Parishioners know how they can donate to this. We would look at this again in the New Year and more support may be required.

Action: Stephen to put a note in the bulletin about the Cost of Living Fund.

CAFOD Advent Gift

It was agreed that as in previous years we would raise fund for a CAFOD Parish Gift. We would look at something around £1000.

Action: Stephen to send round suggestions to the group by mid November and put a note in the bulletin about this.


There is an online CAFOD event “Faith in Action” to discuss the global food system, upcoming COP27 climate talks and the climate crisis.

Action: Stephen to put a note in the bulletin with the registration link for this event.

Stephen has been the Parish CAFOD representative for many years now and would like to retire.

Action: Stephen to put a note in the bulletin advertising for a new CAFOD rep for the Parish.

The date of the next meeting will be 11 January 2022 (Wednesday) at 7:30pm. A whatsapp group will be set up for communication purposes.

Action: Eva to set up a J & P whatsapp group.