St Francis of Assisi AGM 2024

22 October 2024, 7:30pm


Mike Campbell (chair)Stephen Spooner
Llindsay ReynoldsAnne Shepherd
Jacinta CampbellBernie Shepherd
Father KevinBen Ryan
Sam CaldwellMaria Levesley
Jenny KingRichard McQuinn
Edmund KingLiz Dingle
Alex KrzyzRichard Bushell
Sian PriceDavid Bellamy
Clare ByrneEva Kaltenthaler (minutes)

Apologies: Michelle Nuttall, Deacon Stephen Parker

Father Kevin led the Opening Prayer.


  1. Chair’s Report

The chair’s report is presented in full in the Annual Report. A brief summary is presented here:

  • The church has a new notice board outside
  • Work has been done outside the church, including removal of tree branches and installation of a bike rack.
  • Work has been done on the velux windows and the roof. The velux windows are still not functioning and Sam Caldwell will chase this. Chairs in the Hall have been cleaned. A new defibrillator has been installed.
  • Six editions of the Chronicle have been produced so far.
  • David Bellamy is now helping with the Parish IT tasks.
  • Richard McQuinn has sorted out the new gas contract for the Parish.
  • Lots of money has been raised by the Dance Club and Panto, including for CAFOD.
  • Synod responses were coordinated by Stephen Parker.
  • Social events and events for the Jubilee are being planned for next year.
  • A debit card reader has been installed.

The chair thanked everyone who has contributed to the parish work in so many ways over the past year.

  • Finance Committee

The chair thanked Derick Hemmingfield who has done the finances for many years. Sam Caldwell presented this year’s financial report. He said that the finances for the parish were healthy. Two new computers have been purchased and the new Mass books with more to be purchased over the next year. There have been a number of repairs to the building over the past year.

Parishioners were encouraged to use standing orders for financial contributions. Those who have had a standing order for a number of years might consider increasing the amount. Gift aid contributions are a very useful source of income so anyone who hasn’t already completed the gift aid declaration form was encouraged to do so.

The financial record was approved by the Parish.

  • Liturgy and Spirituality Group

Deacon Stephen was unable to attend and present the report. This group still needs someone to help with planning Liturgy and Spirituality events. The possibility of a pilgrimage next year for the Jubilee was discussed.

  • Youth Ministry

Richard Bushell presented the Youth Ministry report. He mentioned that the youth in the parish are very active as altar servers and as part of the music group. They also contribute to the Youth Mass. Younger members of our Parish contribute to the annual panto and dance shows and pursue individual initiatives such as attending World Youth Day and Pilgrim Cross.

Children’s liturgy is thriving and thanks were made to Clare Byrne for running this. The Youth Group has about six members and new members (years 10-13) are always welcome.  

We have an annual First Communion programme and thanks were made to Debora Ruvinski for running this. The Confirmation programme runs every two years. Two older youth who are not members of the Parish have come forward to be received in the Catholic faith and they are receiving instruction. A relationship is being developed with the Diocesan Youth Team.

A query was raised as to whether or not members of our youth community could read at Mass. It was acknowledged that some training in reading in Public would be helpful.

  • Justice and Peace Group

Sian has submitted the group’s report highlighting activities that have taken place throughout the year.  At the Parish Day Thom Flint from CAFOD gave a presentation on the work they do in the Democratic Republic of Conga (DRC).

Maria described the LiveSimply Campaign which the group is involved in and said the launch event in April was well attended. The LiveSimply Campaign has three themes.

To live simply

Parishioners have been invited to make pledges for things they can do to help the environment. Each month a new theme is presented with the opportunity to present pledges.

To live sustainably

A parish purchasing policy has been developed. We now use eco friendly cleaning products and faire trade tea and coffee. We now have a wildlife garden and a had a recent recycling Sunday.

To live in solidarity with the poor

Eva presented some of the work for this theme including the continued support of the parish for CAFOD and S2 Foodbank. She discussed plans for next year including a showing of the film “The Letter” about climate change and plans to raise funds for toilet twinning in Lent next year.

The new parish Covenant with the Poor was presented. The Parish Council had previously agreed to 5% of the annual offertory contributions to be distributed among a number of chosen charities working to alleviate poverty. It was agreed that at least in the first year the emphasis will be on local charities. The chosen charities are:

  • S2 Foodbank
  • Sheffield SVP
  • Sheffield City of Sanctuary
  • St Wilfrid’s Centre
  • Buzz contact centre
  • Baby Basics
  • Roundabout
  • Care in Crosspool

Father Kevin led the closing prayer.