27 April 2023, 7:30pm
Mike Campbell (chair) | Stephen Spooner |
Llindsay Reynolds | Deacon Stephen Parker |
Jacinta Campbell | Bobbo Levesley |
Derek Hemmingfield | Jayne Middlemas |
Father Kevin | Paul Middlemas |
Jenny King | Richard McQuinn |
Edmund King | Belinda Barber |
Angela Powell (for CAFOD) | Richard Bushell |
Clare Byrne | Eva Kaltenthaler (minutes) |
Father Kevin led the Opening Prayer.
1. Financial Report
Derek Hemmingfield presented the financial report. Edmund King asked if we are receiving any income from renting out the Hall and if the Hall will be used again. Groups who have used in the past are no longer meeting so don’t require the use of the Hall anymore. The Dance Club are meeting elsewhere now.
Edmund asked if any maintenance work needed doing. The carpet at the altar needs cleaning and probably replacing. Flooring throughout the church and house will at some stage need replacing. The upper room is a bit dated.
Stephen Parker said that although there is currently a surplus in the accounts it is expected that heating and lighting costs will increase as well as the payment needed for the Diocesan assessment so caution is needed before we start spending. Father Kevin said that there are some issues in the church and house that need sorting out and asked that there be a maintenance person on the Parish Council to look at getting these done.
Action: Parish Council to identify a member to organise sorting out maintenance issues.
It was agreed that there are some dangers with keeping a big surplus so we may need to spend some of the surplus to avoid it being taken away. Mike thanked Derek for presenting the financial report.
Angela Powell from CAFOD thanked the parish for their support to CAFOD, especially Stephen Spooner. Angela described some of the resources available for parishes and activities of CAFOD. Angela asked if a speaker from CAFOD could come and speak after Mass to help find a new CAFOD representative for the Parish. This was not considered to be useful at this stage as there have already been many months of effort to find a new representative. It was hoped that eventually a new representative will come forward. In the mean time Angela will send all CAFOD information directly to Mike.
It was noted that the Dance Club has raised £1800 for CAFOD as well as £2000 for the air ambulance and the Children’s Hospital.
3. Reports from Parish Council Subgroups
Justice and Peace – Stephen Spooner
Stephen described the CAFOD Live Simply campaign which is just getting started in the Parish. The group is looking at ways to get the Parish on board with this initiative. Maria Levesley will lead on this. Stephen also mentioned how well the Foodbank donations are going. There are six dedicated drivers who take the donations to S2 Foodbank and the shopping trolley in the Narthex has helped to encourage parishioners to increase their donations.
Liturgy and Spirituality – Deacon Stephen Parker
Stephen said that we have an active Baptismal preparation group with more people coming forward for Baptism. A new confirmation group will start soon.
Stephen thanked all those musicians, readers, altar servers and others providing support to the liturgy.
Other activities have included the wonderful Taizé evenings. Sister Helen gave a series of very well received Advent Talks.
Lindsay Reynolds gave an update on the Big Picture course which is currently running. Thirty people have signed up to take part. The group has been very enthusiastic. Both St William’s and St Vincent’s were sent invitations to take part. The course will run until July.
Pastoral Care – Mike Campbell
Anne Shepherd has led this group for many years and would now like to stand down. She has actively liaised with other churches in the area. Father Kevin said connections with the local churches are good. Mike thanked Anne for her dedicated service to Pastoral Care.
Action: Parish Council to identify a replacement for Pastoral Care.
Youth Ministry – Richard Bushell
Richard said that the Youth Group currently has 8 members. This group is for those in year 10 and over. Young people are very involved in many aspects of our Parish, Including as altar servers and musicians. The aim is to have a Youth Mass twice each year. There are 11 children signed up for First Communion and eight for confirmation.
Clare Byrne gave an update on Children’s Liturgy. There are currently between 4-12 children regularly attending with four adults assisting. Clare is hoping to recruit more helpers and stand down herself.
Father Kevin mentioned a request for donations for young people to go to Lourdes and attend the Youth Day. This will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.
Action: Parish Council to discuss donations to Lourdes and Youth Day attendees.
4. Chair’s Report
Mike mentioned that the screens between the church and Hall are now closed due to the reduced COVID risk but may need to be opened up again in the future.
Mike thanked all those who do so much to support the Parish including those who serve tea and coffee after Mass, readers, flower arrangers and those involved with safeguarding. Mike thanked the Parish Council members and mentioned that the Parish Council had recently agreed to funding new music stands and robes for the altar servers.
5. Views and Suggestions from the Parish
No concerns were raised. Bobbo gave a brief update on safeguarding in the Diocese.
Jenny King asked if the notice board on the road could be made a bit more welcoming and visible. Stephen Spooner suggested that St Wilfrid’s had a workshop and could make a new sign for us.
Action: Parish Council to discuss getting a new sign made.
Father Kevin read a few notices which will be dealt with at the next Parish Council meeting.
No new members came forward so the Parish Council will need to look at recruiting new members.
Action: Parish Council to recruit new members.
The Closing Prayer was read by Father Kevin.