Liturgy and Prayer

Hymn and Mass Books

You will be offered hymn and Mass books as you arrive for Mass. Please return them to the welcomers as you leave.

Music and Singing

stylised music sheet Music and singing are important elements of the liturgy on Sunday. Steve Davies plans the music and singing, with sensitivity to the theme of the Mass and the liturgical season.

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion

the tabernacleMinisters are commissioned by the Bishop after invitation by the Parish Priest. They help in the distribution of Holy Communion at all Masses, and take Holy Communion to the sick at home or in hospital. The rota is maintained by Kevin Exell.

Holy Communion for the Sick or Housebound

Requests should be made in the first instance to the Parish Priest.

Children’s Liturgy

The Children’s Liturgy Group at Sunday Mass is aimed at children from the age of two up to their first Holy Communion or seven years of age. All children should be accompanied by a responsible parent or other carer.

The children come into Mass for the gathering of all the community and leave after the opening prayer. They rejoin the congregation at the offertory where they present their work. During their session they will pray, listen to and discuss a children’s version of the Gospel of the day, sing hymns and either role play or complete a practical activity appropriate to the theme.

The sessions are led by volunteer parents on a rota basis and parents of those who attend regularly are encouraged to join the rota. The current rota, which is organised by Clare Byrne, is on the notice board.

Tea and coffee after Mass

A group of volunteers serve tea, coffee and biscuits after Mass on Sunday. It is an opportunity to make new friends and meet people in our parish family. Money raised through donations for tea and coffee goes to support the work of the Medical Missionary of Mary in Kirambi, Rwanda. If you would like to volunteer to serve, please contact Alan Wenham.

Altar Servers

The altarNew altar servers are always welcome. People wishing to serve at Mass and other ceremonies should contact the Parish Priest or Jonathan Yewdall. Formal training is organised as and when necessary.

Welcomers and Readers

If you would like to volunteer as a reader or welcomer at any of the Masses please contact Alan Wenham. The current rotas are displayed in the Narthex, on Notice Board C.