Justice and Peace Minutes – Minutes of meeting 16.01.2019

Attendees: Sarah B, Susanne, Stephen, Sian (chair), Tim, Eva (minutes)

Apologies: Sarah L


Collections over the Christmas period were very good. Usually supplies go down in January and February and a note has been put in the bulletin to remind parishioners about the food bank. Sarah B will liaise with Father Kevin about arranging another collection day other than Sunday. She will also keep an eye on how the implementation of universal credit affects the need for foodbank donations.


The panto did well and raised over £1700.

The CAFOD parish appeal during Advent raised enough to buy one cow, four goats and one chicken on behalf of the Parish. This activity was deemed a success and it was suggested that this should be repeated next Advent.

Stephen will check CAFOD website for focus of activities for the coming year and report back at the next meeting.


A series of reflections to hand out each week in Lent was discussed. It was agreed that the Fasting/feasting Lenten theme used a few years ago could be repeated. Tim and Susanne agreed to reprint these for distribution each week. Stephen agreed to write some bidding prayers to link to each weekly theme and give these to Father Kevin. Tim will let him have the themes. Ash Wednesday is 6th March so all needs to be ready by then.


We discussed whether or not there was a night shelter in Sheffield for destitute asylum seekers. Assist has one and Tim agreed to find out more and report back on how we might get involved at our next meeting.

May Day Trek

Sian to find details of the May Day Trek for this year and make sure the information gets put into the bulletin so parishioners can take part.

Date of next meeting

1 May 2019, 8pm, St Francis Presbytery